Tonights dinner is Chicken cordon blue..
pound a couple of chicken breasts
place ham and cheese inside
wrap the chicken around the filling..
top with bread crumbs and bake..
This is an old fav of mine.. dont make it too difficult
Just roll with it..
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Inspirational Words to Live By!
I believe the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare. Maya Angelou
My incredibly busy weekend is over now! Thanks for understanding my absence... now to get back to posting! I have some new recipes to share as well as some wisdoms!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
To my loyal blog readers
Lately life has been extra hectic for me! I started my spring semester of college classes last night. In addition to that 2 of my 3 daughters have a pretty bad cold with a fever. I've also added selling Lia Sophia jewelry to my work load! I have not been able to post as often as i would like, but feel like there is certainly a lot of content on my blog! Hopefully soon things will settle down at home and get back to normal! Keep reading and checking back in and thankyou for your support!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Inspirational Words to Live By!
The most beautiful things in the world are not seen nor touched. They are felt with the heart.
-- Helen Keller
-- Helen Keller
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Inspirational Words to Live By!
Life is a big canvas, throw all the paint on it you can.
-- Danny Kaye
-- Danny Kaye
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What's for Dinner tonight!
Ravioli Lasagna Recipe
1 1/4 cup Marinara Sauce
1 20 oz pkg Cheese Ravioli
1 10 oz box frozen spinach- thawed and drained
8 oz shredded Mozzarella
1/4 cup grated parmesan
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease square baking dish. Spoon 1/4 cup marinara in bottom of dish. Cover with half of the Ravioli. Spread 1/2 cup sauce over the ravioli, then add spinach and half of the mozzarella . Repeat with remaining ravioli, marinara and mozzarella. Sprinkle with parmesan. Cover dish with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake another 10 minutes and let cool 5 minutes before slicing. Serves 4!
1 1/4 cup Marinara Sauce
1 20 oz pkg Cheese Ravioli
1 10 oz box frozen spinach- thawed and drained
8 oz shredded Mozzarella
1/4 cup grated parmesan
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease square baking dish. Spoon 1/4 cup marinara in bottom of dish. Cover with half of the Ravioli. Spread 1/2 cup sauce over the ravioli, then add spinach and half of the mozzarella . Repeat with remaining ravioli, marinara and mozzarella. Sprinkle with parmesan. Cover dish with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake another 10 minutes and let cool 5 minutes before slicing. Serves 4!
Today in History
1986 1st induction of Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame (Chuck Berry, James Brown, Ray Charles, Domino, Everly Bros, B Holly, J L Lewis and Elvis Presley)
Inspirational Words to Live By!
Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest. - Mark Twain
Thursday, January 21, 2010
What's for Dinner tonight!
Good old fashion breakfast for dinner tonight! How about some blueberry pancakes, stuffed french toast, eggs and sausage! One of my favorite dinners!
Inspirational Words to Live By!
Becoming a new parent is a learning experience, you can read all the books, listen to all the advice, but you will find you will grow with your children. They will teach you things you could never read in a book.
C Lynch
C Lynch
Winter Bugs
And so it begins, croupe has found our house again this year! My poor kids get it every year, a couple times! I was up most of the night last night with a barking seal. Her fever spiked at 103.5! Headed to the DR office this morning to get some help!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What's for Dinner tonight!
Easy Chicken Cordon Bleu Recipe
1 pkg (6oz) stuffing mix
6 sm boneless skinless chicken breasts
Sliced Ham
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 TBLS Dijon Mustard
sliced swiss cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix stuffing as instructed on pkg, set aside. Place chicken in 13x9 baking dish, cover with ham. Mix soup and mustard, spoon over chicken. Top with stuffing. Bake 25 min or until chicken is cooked through. Top with cheese. Bake an additional 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.
1 pkg (6oz) stuffing mix
6 sm boneless skinless chicken breasts
Sliced Ham
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 TBLS Dijon Mustard
sliced swiss cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix stuffing as instructed on pkg, set aside. Place chicken in 13x9 baking dish, cover with ham. Mix soup and mustard, spoon over chicken. Top with stuffing. Bake 25 min or until chicken is cooked through. Top with cheese. Bake an additional 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.
Inspirational Words to Live By!
"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. "
~ G. Randolf
~ G. Randolf
Today in History
In 1989 Ronald Reagan becomes the1st President elected in a "0" year, since 1840, to leave office alive.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Valentines gifts
How about making your valentine a necklace this year? As a mom i would love to get this little gift from my kids! Use a clay that will harden after drying, like polymer clay. Use a cookie cutter to get your heart shape! Decorate as you wish with other colors of clay or just drawing a design into the clay. Make sure to make a hole in the top to string your ribbon through. If you desire braid 3 different kinds of ribbon and thread those through the hole. Such a cute and thoughtful gift!
Lia Sophia
I recently signed up to sell Lia Sophia Jewelry! Let me know if anyone is interested in having a show! You can check out a catalog at for now until my own personal site gets loaded up! Thanks! Leave me a comment or email me if you would like to book a show!
Today in History
1915 Neon Tube sign patented by George Claude. Has it really been that long that bars have been sporting these signs?
Inspirational Words to Live By!
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Monday, January 18, 2010
What's for Dinner tonight!
Grilled Chicken Rollers
4 sm boneless skinless chicken breast
4 slices american cheese
4 slices bacon
1/4 cup balsamic vinaigrette
Heat grill to medium heat. Pound chicken to 1/4 inch thickness. Top each with american, and roll up tightly. Wrap bacon around long sides of roll covering exposed cheese, stretching bacon as needed to fit, secure with toothpicks. Grill 15 to 20 minutes or until chicken is done. Turning often and brushing with dressing the last 5 minutes. Throw out toothpicks before serving. This also works great with cheddar if desired!
4 sm boneless skinless chicken breast
4 slices american cheese
4 slices bacon
1/4 cup balsamic vinaigrette
Heat grill to medium heat. Pound chicken to 1/4 inch thickness. Top each with american, and roll up tightly. Wrap bacon around long sides of roll covering exposed cheese, stretching bacon as needed to fit, secure with toothpicks. Grill 15 to 20 minutes or until chicken is done. Turning often and brushing with dressing the last 5 minutes. Throw out toothpicks before serving. This also works great with cheddar if desired!
Inspirational Words to Live By!
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Valentines craft tips!
Ever find yourself frustrated that you can’t make that perfect heart on your valentines? Try using a washable inkpad and use your fingerprints to join together to make hearts. Place fingerprints in a V and when your done… the perfect hearts for those valentines. So simple but who ever thinks of that?
Inspirational Words to Live By!
Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Valentines gifts
Crayon Hearts!
Crayon pieces
Heart shaped muffin pan
Scrap paper
Double sided foam mounting tape
Multi colored card stock
1. Heat the oven to 250°.
2. Fill each mold with crayon pieces and bake until the crayons melt, about 10 to 15 minutes. Tip: Place a sheet pan under the crayons to catch any drips.
3. Once they're cool, remove the hearts from the molds and smooth any rough edges by rubbing them on a piece of scrap paper.
4. Use small pieces of foam tape to stick each heart to a 3-inch circle cut from card stock.
Suggested messages:
You color my world
Valentine, you make my heart melt
Have a happy Valentine's Day, for "crayon" out loud!
Crayon pieces
Heart shaped muffin pan
Scrap paper
Double sided foam mounting tape
Multi colored card stock
1. Heat the oven to 250°.
2. Fill each mold with crayon pieces and bake until the crayons melt, about 10 to 15 minutes. Tip: Place a sheet pan under the crayons to catch any drips.
3. Once they're cool, remove the hearts from the molds and smooth any rough edges by rubbing them on a piece of scrap paper.
4. Use small pieces of foam tape to stick each heart to a 3-inch circle cut from card stock.
Suggested messages:
You color my world
Valentine, you make my heart melt
Have a happy Valentine's Day, for "crayon" out loud!
Inspirational Words to Live By!
The purpose of life is not to be happy – but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all.
- Leo Rosten, American teacher and humorist
- Leo Rosten, American teacher and humorist
Friday, January 15, 2010
What's for Dinner tonight!
Cheesy Chili Soup
1 can (28 oz) diced tomatoes undrained
1 can (15oz) Kidney Beans, rinsed
1 can (14oz) Chicken broth
1 stalks of celery, chopped
2 carrots chopped
1 onion chopped
2 tsp chili powder
1 cup Mexican cheese blend
Bring all ingredients except cheese to boil in saucepan. Simmer on low heat for 25 minutes or until veggies are tender. Stir in 1/3 cup of the cheese and serve topped with remaining cheese. Makes 4 servings.
1 can (28 oz) diced tomatoes undrained
1 can (15oz) Kidney Beans, rinsed
1 can (14oz) Chicken broth
1 stalks of celery, chopped
2 carrots chopped
1 onion chopped
2 tsp chili powder
1 cup Mexican cheese blend
Bring all ingredients except cheese to boil in saucepan. Simmer on low heat for 25 minutes or until veggies are tender. Stir in 1/3 cup of the cheese and serve topped with remaining cheese. Makes 4 servings.
I couldn't live without this!
I use my wetjet all the time! It's all I use on my laminate floor. It works fast and cleans up small messes without dragging out the mop and bucket!
Valentines cards
Lollipop Flowers
Multi colored card stockLollipops (The same kind the bank gives out!)
Cut hearts out of card stock a little larger than the size of the pop. Cut leaves out of green card stock. Write a message on the back side of the heart and glue the pop to the other side. Glue leaves to stick of lollipop. So simple and so cute!
Today in History
It’s been one year since that fateful day on the Hudson River. US Airways pilot “Sully” successfully saved over 155 people by landing his crippled plane into the water.
Inspirational Words to Live By!
Hard work spotlights the character of people. Some turn up their sleeves. Some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.
Sam Ewing
Sam Ewing
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What's for Dinner tonight!
Creamy Chicken and Pasta Bake
1 1/2 cups multi grain rotini pasta
1 small bunch broccoli
1 lb boneless chicken, cut into chunks
½ cup chicken broth
2 oz cream cheese
1 cup mozzarella cheese shredded
2 TBLS Parmesan cheese
Cook Pasta according to package directions adding broccoli for last 3 minutes. Cook chicken in skillet, when chicken is done add broth and simmer 3 minutes. Add cream cheese, cook and stir on low heat until melted. Stir in ½ cup mozzarella, pasta and broccoli. Spoon mixture into 8 in square baking dish, cover and bake 15 minutes or until heated through. Sprinkle with remaining cheeses. Bake uncovered 3 minutes or until melted.
1 1/2 cups multi grain rotini pasta
1 small bunch broccoli
1 lb boneless chicken, cut into chunks
½ cup chicken broth
2 oz cream cheese
1 cup mozzarella cheese shredded
2 TBLS Parmesan cheese
Cook Pasta according to package directions adding broccoli for last 3 minutes. Cook chicken in skillet, when chicken is done add broth and simmer 3 minutes. Add cream cheese, cook and stir on low heat until melted. Stir in ½ cup mozzarella, pasta and broccoli. Spoon mixture into 8 in square baking dish, cover and bake 15 minutes or until heated through. Sprinkle with remaining cheeses. Bake uncovered 3 minutes or until melted.
Valentines card
Butterfly Valentine
What you need
• Sticks of gum
• Licorice strings
• Construction paper
• Scissors
• Heart stickers
• Tape
• Place two pieces of string licorice between two sticks of gum, taping the top and bottom closed to secure the antennae in place.
• Next, cut two heart-shaped wings from construction paper, write your valentine message on them, and secure them to the top stick of gum with a heart sticker. Add other stickers to give personality to your butterfly
What you need
• Sticks of gum
• Licorice strings
• Construction paper
• Scissors
• Heart stickers
• Tape
• Place two pieces of string licorice between two sticks of gum, taping the top and bottom closed to secure the antennae in place.
• Next, cut two heart-shaped wings from construction paper, write your valentine message on them, and secure them to the top stick of gum with a heart sticker. Add other stickers to give personality to your butterfly
Inspirational Words to Live By!
This quote explains my life lately!
Parents must get across the idea that I love you always, but sometimes I do not love your behavior. Amy Vanderbilt
Parents must get across the idea that I love you always, but sometimes I do not love your behavior. Amy Vanderbilt
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
What's for Dinner tonight!
Four Bean Burger Bake
1 lb hamburger browned and drained
4 slices bacon
½ cup chopped onions
1 can cut green beans
I can cut wax beans
1 can kidney beans
I can baked beans
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup ketchup
1 TBLS vinegar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp yellow mustard
Combine all ingredients in oven safe pot, mix well. Cover, and bake 1 hour at 325 degrees.
Try this recipe. It sounds weird ... but its a family favorite of ours!
1 lb hamburger browned and drained
4 slices bacon
½ cup chopped onions
1 can cut green beans
I can cut wax beans
1 can kidney beans
I can baked beans
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup ketchup
1 TBLS vinegar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp yellow mustard
Combine all ingredients in oven safe pot, mix well. Cover, and bake 1 hour at 325 degrees.
Try this recipe. It sounds weird ... but its a family favorite of ours!
My weight Loss Plan
Day 8 of my weight loss attempt and I’m still seeing the numbers going down on my scale. I’ve lost 3 pounds so far, which I feel is a pretty good number! What has worked for me so far, I’ve cut down on sweets, yes cut down. I still allow myself a piece or two of chocolate a day! I am snacking on things like, Cheese Its, Quaker Rice Cakes, and chocolate animal crackers. I have replaced regular potato chips with tortilla chips, and wheat thins. I am putting myself in situations where I can’t eat or munch, which helps a lot. A huge motivator for me is the scale. I get on every day and if the number goes down it helps me to keep up the work, but if the number goes up I think about where I might have gone wrong the day before and try to change it. I also consider the time of day and amount of clothing I’m wearing too. I know this won’t work forever because at some point the number is going to stop going down, but it helps now and then I will set a weight that I am happy at and when I see that number I’ll feel great, if not, well time to cut back. This is my lifestyle change, not my diet!
I couldn't live without this!
I love my food chopper. I use it all the time. I use it to crush up ritz crackers for coating, chop onions for recipes, or to chop chocolate for baking recipes. This is a great time saver in the kitchen. I've had mine for years and havent had any problems!
American Idol
Who was your favorite on American Idol last night? Good or bad, what was your favorite moment?
I especially enjoyed the guy that thought by coming in and being a jerk because he had to wait, was an interesting case. Here he is asking to go to Hollywood on them, and yet he still disrespected them.
I especially enjoyed the guy that thought by coming in and being a jerk because he had to wait, was an interesting case. Here he is asking to go to Hollywood on them, and yet he still disrespected them.
Valentines gifts
Make your own bath salts
Epsom Salts
Food Coloring
Essential Oils or Perfumes
Jars or Bottles
Combine enough salt to fit in jar or bottle with food coloring. Mix well till color is evenly distributed. Then add oil or perfume and mix well again. Spread mixture on wax paper and let dry for a couple hours. Then place in jar and seal. This works best if made and then set for a couple of weeks to let the oils or perfumes really infuse with the salt. Also a neat idea to gift these is to use a canning jar and then place a nice piece of fabric under the lid to cover the top of the jar and add a nice touch.
Epsom Salts
Food Coloring
Essential Oils or Perfumes
Jars or Bottles
Combine enough salt to fit in jar or bottle with food coloring. Mix well till color is evenly distributed. Then add oil or perfume and mix well again. Spread mixture on wax paper and let dry for a couple hours. Then place in jar and seal. This works best if made and then set for a couple of weeks to let the oils or perfumes really infuse with the salt. Also a neat idea to gift these is to use a canning jar and then place a nice piece of fabric under the lid to cover the top of the jar and add a nice touch.
Inspirational Words to Live By!
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
- Anatole France
- Anatole France
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Potty training
Is anyone out their potty training their toddler? I had my 2 year old all trained and suddenly she started, what I thought was regressing. The doctors seem to think this may be due to a few very painful stools that she had. Instead of thinking her poop hurt her she may think the potty hurt her. Now she is holding it in and having “accidents” all the time. I need to now make her understand that the potty is not hurting her at all and it’s safe to go there. That should be fun!
American Idol
Anyone watching tonights season premiere? I usually watch the season opening try outs and then get bored with the performances from week to week. The try outs are always interesting and funny. This year is soon to be full of laughs with Ellen taking Paula's place! Comment here on my blog with your favs after tonight!
Jay Leno gets moved!
How does everyone feel about Leno getting moved back to late night from prime time? Has anyone watched or does anyone even care? I can't imagine how he will do his show in just a half an hour! As a mom i would watch when i was up on those late nights with the babies. Now all my babies are old enough to not get up at night, so I miss his show now! Comment on what you think!!
What's for Dinner tonight!
Easy Orange Chicken Stir Fry Recipe
1lb Chicken breasts
2 TBLS oil
½ cup orange juice
4 TBLS Kraft Asian Toasted Sesame salad dressing
Any blend frozen or fresh veggies
Cut chicken into strips or cubes. Cook in hot oil. Drain pan then add OJ and salad dressing. Heat mixture then add chicken and veggies. Cook till tender. Serve over rice. So easy and SO good!
1lb Chicken breasts
2 TBLS oil
½ cup orange juice
4 TBLS Kraft Asian Toasted Sesame salad dressing
Any blend frozen or fresh veggies
Cut chicken into strips or cubes. Cook in hot oil. Drain pan then add OJ and salad dressing. Heat mixture then add chicken and veggies. Cook till tender. Serve over rice. So easy and SO good!
Today in History
January 12 1995 The OJ Simpson Murder trial began! Do you believe it’s been 15 years?
Valentines gifts
Puzzle Pieces
Spray paint and fine tip paint pen
Paint Brush
Craft glue
Pin Backing (from craft store)
Spray paint puzzle pieces in your choice of color! Then write your valentines message on the puzzle piece, like “you are my missing piece” or any other message you can think of! Glue the pin backing to the puzzle piece. You may want to clear coat these with an acrylic paint to seal in your message! Another use for those puzzles with missing pieces!
Spray paint and fine tip paint pen
Paint Brush
Craft glue
Pin Backing (from craft store)
Spray paint puzzle pieces in your choice of color! Then write your valentines message on the puzzle piece, like “you are my missing piece” or any other message you can think of! Glue the pin backing to the puzzle piece. You may want to clear coat these with an acrylic paint to seal in your message! Another use for those puzzles with missing pieces!
Inspirational Words to Live By!
To succeed, you need to take that gut feeling in what you believe and act on it with all of your heart.
- Christy Borgeld
- Christy Borgeld
Monday, January 11, 2010
Strange rash!!
Today I found the wonder of Aveeno Products for my little eczema baby! We used the prescription cream to clear up the bad stuff but are now using Aveeno baby wash and lotion on her! Recently her hands and face have broken out in red splotchy patches. Poor thing looks like she’s been out in the cold for hours! But one bath using the baby wash and she already looks better! Now to figure out what causes her flare ups….
I couldn't live without this!
I LOVE my keurig coffee maker! It makes the perfect cup everytime. I love the variety of coffee I can have instead of trying to finish up one bag before opening another! K cups are always fresh!!
What's for Dinner tonight!
Easy Bruschetta Chicken Bake
1lb of Boneless Chicken
Stuffing mix for Chicken 6oz pkg
1tsp Italian seasoning
1 can (28oz) Italian style stewed tomatoes drained
2 cloves of garlic
½ cup mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Put chicken in 13x9 baking dish, sprinkle with seasoning. Combine stuffing mix with 1 ½ cup hot water. Spread tomatoes and garlic over chicken. Sprinkle with cheese and top with stuffing. Bake 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.
1lb of Boneless Chicken
Stuffing mix for Chicken 6oz pkg
1tsp Italian seasoning
1 can (28oz) Italian style stewed tomatoes drained
2 cloves of garlic
½ cup mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Put chicken in 13x9 baking dish, sprinkle with seasoning. Combine stuffing mix with 1 ½ cup hot water. Spread tomatoes and garlic over chicken. Sprinkle with cheese and top with stuffing. Bake 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.
Today in History
Today in 1949 snow fall was first recorded in Los Angeles, CA. Sorry but I don’t feel for you here in Vermont!
Valentines Candy Cane Heart
Great idea to use up those extra Christmas candy canes! I don’t know about you but I have a ton left over!
2 candy canes for each heart
wrapped hard candy
hot glue gun (adults or older kids)yarn or ribbon
Take 2 Candy Canes and cross to make a heart shape. Hot glue candy canes in place. Then add ribbons and hard candy for decorations!
Inspirational Words to Live By!
If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.
- Abigail Van Buren
- Abigail Van Buren
Sunday, January 10, 2010
What's for Dinner tonight!
Spinach Feta Turkey Burgers
1 lb Ground turkey
Handful of squeezed spinach (prev frozen)
1 tsp of poultry seasoning
1 TBLS Feta cheese
Mix and let set and fry or roast...
1 lb Ground turkey
Handful of squeezed spinach (prev frozen)
1 tsp of poultry seasoning
1 TBLS Feta cheese
Mix and let set and fry or roast...
Applesauce Muffins
This recipe came from the Cheerios website that is advertised through google on my site! Next time you see the Cheerios ad about recipes click on it. There are some great ones in there!
2 cups Cheerios® cereal
1 1/4 cups Gold Medal® all-purpose flour
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup applesauce
1/3 cup fat-free (skim) milk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg or 1/4 cup fat-free egg product
1/2 cup raisins, if desired
1. Heat oven to 400°F. Spray bottoms only of 12 regular-size muffin cups with cooking spray.
2. Crush cereal. In large bowl, stir together cereal, flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking powder and baking soda. Stir in remaining ingredients just until moistened. Divide batter evenly among muffin cups.
3. Bake 18 to 22 minutes or until golden brown.
2 cups Cheerios® cereal
1 1/4 cups Gold Medal® all-purpose flour
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup applesauce
1/3 cup fat-free (skim) milk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg or 1/4 cup fat-free egg product
1/2 cup raisins, if desired
1. Heat oven to 400°F. Spray bottoms only of 12 regular-size muffin cups with cooking spray.
2. Crush cereal. In large bowl, stir together cereal, flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking powder and baking soda. Stir in remaining ingredients just until moistened. Divide batter evenly among muffin cups.
3. Bake 18 to 22 minutes or until golden brown.
Inspirational Words to Live By!
Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.
- Virginia Satir
- Virginia Satir
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I couldn't live without this!
Oxyclean Powder is one of my most favorite products! This saves me so much time in a day! I no longer have to worry about my kids clothes and stains! I don't waste precious time spraying my kids clothes and pretreating! I just throw them in the laundry basket and put a half a scoop of oxyclean in my washer with the clothes! My girls white shirts last so much longer than they ever did before!
Save Energy!
Use a Crockpot instead of simmering on the stove! And reheat in the microwave instead of the oven! By not running your high energy using stove to heat things up you save electricity!
What's for Dinner tonight!
B-B-Q Bacon Cheddar Burgers
1lb ground beef
5 strips Bacon chopped
1 handful Shredded cheddar cheese
½ cup B-B-Q sauce
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl then make hamburger patties. Cook in desired fashion until burgers reach doneness of choice. Serve with buns and any toppings you choose! I also serve oven fries with this! Cut up 3 or 4 large potatoes into French fries. Place in large bowl and toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Place on stone or baking sheet and bake at 450 degrees till slightly browned! Tastes just like the real thing without all the extra fat!
1lb ground beef
5 strips Bacon chopped
1 handful Shredded cheddar cheese
½ cup B-B-Q sauce
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl then make hamburger patties. Cook in desired fashion until burgers reach doneness of choice. Serve with buns and any toppings you choose! I also serve oven fries with this! Cut up 3 or 4 large potatoes into French fries. Place in large bowl and toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Place on stone or baking sheet and bake at 450 degrees till slightly browned! Tastes just like the real thing without all the extra fat!
Puzzle Picture Frame
Here’s a great idea for those puzzles with missing pieces! Don’t throw them away!
Here’s what you need:
Puzzle pieces
Spray Paint-optional
Choose what size frame you would like to make! As a tip, make it about 1-2 inches wider than the picture you want to frame! Use the pencil to draw out the size of the frame on cardboard. Use a frame you already have in your house for ease!
Glue puzzle pieces to the frame in layers! Try to use puzzle pieces that compliment the colors in the photo or spray paint the whole project when done to create a different look! Add the photo when the project is complete!
Here’s what you need:
Puzzle pieces
Spray Paint-optional
Choose what size frame you would like to make! As a tip, make it about 1-2 inches wider than the picture you want to frame! Use the pencil to draw out the size of the frame on cardboard. Use a frame you already have in your house for ease!
Glue puzzle pieces to the frame in layers! Try to use puzzle pieces that compliment the colors in the photo or spray paint the whole project when done to create a different look! Add the photo when the project is complete!
Trying to keep that Resolution?
Heres a link to a product i'm waiting to arrive at my house!! It conviently fits under your desk, so while your working, sitting at your desk you can be riding a bike too..
Words to Live By!
Motherhood qualified me to let the child within come out and play.
- Christy Borgeld
- Christy Borgeld
Play Dough Recipe
This is a great recipe given to me by our Pre K teacher! We make it for the class and we also make our own for home! It’s super easy, and the kids can help! The best part is, if you leave your child’s project out it will harden for a keepsake!
1 cup Flour
½ cup salt
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 TBLS vegetable oil
15-20 drops food coloring
Mix dry ingredients in cooking pot. Add oil and food coloring to water. Mix wet into dry until smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until think, like mashed potatoes. Turn out onto a table and knead until smooth. Store in an air tight container.
1 cup Flour
½ cup salt
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 TBLS vegetable oil
15-20 drops food coloring
Mix dry ingredients in cooking pot. Add oil and food coloring to water. Mix wet into dry until smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until think, like mashed potatoes. Turn out onto a table and knead until smooth. Store in an air tight container.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Check out this Griddle!
In this blog I want to feature a few items that I have in my home that make my life so much easier. This griddle is one of my favs! I leave it on my gas stove all the time. It's there for a quick egg in the morning or a Panini in the afternoon. It makes about 8 pancakes at one time! Gotta love it when everyone can sit together.
What's for Dinner tonight!
Easy Pork Chop Bake
1 pkg stuffing mix for Chicken
6 boneless pork chops
1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 lg. onion, chopped
½ tsp dried thyme
½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
Heat oven to 350 degrees and prepare stuffing as directed. Mix soup, onions, and thyme; spoon over chops in 13x9 baking dish. Top with stuffing and sprinkle with cheese. Bake 30 to 40 minutes or until chops are done.
Note: If your chops are thick you may want to brown them first in a skillet with a bit of oil!
1 pkg stuffing mix for Chicken
6 boneless pork chops
1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 lg. onion, chopped
½ tsp dried thyme
½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
Heat oven to 350 degrees and prepare stuffing as directed. Mix soup, onions, and thyme; spoon over chops in 13x9 baking dish. Top with stuffing and sprinkle with cheese. Bake 30 to 40 minutes or until chops are done.
Note: If your chops are thick you may want to brown them first in a skillet with a bit of oil!
Fast Easy Appetizer Recipe
Warm Italian Cheese Spread
1 Pkg cream Cheese
¼ cup pesto
1 plum tomato
¼ cup shredded Italian cheese blend
Assorted crackers-like Triscuits, Wheat Thins, Ritz
Place cream cheese on 8 in sq. foil. Top with Pesto, tomatoes, and cheese. Close foil.
Place on grill or in oven. Bake or grill for 8-10 minutes until cheese is melted on top and the cream cheese is softened but still holding shape. Transfer to a platter and serve with crackers.
1 Pkg cream Cheese
¼ cup pesto
1 plum tomato
¼ cup shredded Italian cheese blend
Assorted crackers-like Triscuits, Wheat Thins, Ritz
Place cream cheese on 8 in sq. foil. Top with Pesto, tomatoes, and cheese. Close foil.
Place on grill or in oven. Bake or grill for 8-10 minutes until cheese is melted on top and the cream cheese is softened but still holding shape. Transfer to a platter and serve with crackers.
Valentines Cupids Arrows
Here’s a great craft for kids to use as their valentines or to use themselves!
What you need
Valentine’s Pencils
Multi colored feathers
Valentines confetti or glitter
Take pencil and sharpen then use a toothpick to drill a small hole into the eraser. Take a feather and dip in glue then place in predrilled hole. Cut a heart shape out of the card stock and decorate with Valentines confetti or glitter. Then put a strip of glue down the middle of the heart and small dabs on the arches of the heart. Attach the bottom of the heart to the pencil and the arches to the feather. Let dry. You could also attach a card that says your Valentine message!
What you need
Valentine’s Pencils
Multi colored feathers
Valentines confetti or glitter
Take pencil and sharpen then use a toothpick to drill a small hole into the eraser. Take a feather and dip in glue then place in predrilled hole. Cut a heart shape out of the card stock and decorate with Valentines confetti or glitter. Then put a strip of glue down the middle of the heart and small dabs on the arches of the heart. Attach the bottom of the heart to the pencil and the arches to the feather. Let dry. You could also attach a card that says your Valentine message!
Inspirational Words to Live By!
Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing.
- Kim Rohn
- Kim Rohn
New today!!
My blog is now linked with Amazon!! So you can easily access through my site! Don’t forget to check out the deals Amazon has to offer on the right side of my page!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
What’s for Dinner tonight!!!
Oven Baked Chicken Parmesan
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 Egg
¾ cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
1 Jar of Pasta Sauce
1 Cup Shredded Cheese
Favorite Pasta
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Dip Chicken in egg, then bread crumbs, coating well. Place in 13x9 glass baking dish. Bake uncovered 20 minutes. Pour pasta sauce over chicken, then top with cheese. Bake an additional 10 minutes. Serve with Pasta!
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 Egg
¾ cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
1 Jar of Pasta Sauce
1 Cup Shredded Cheese
Favorite Pasta
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Dip Chicken in egg, then bread crumbs, coating well. Place in 13x9 glass baking dish. Bake uncovered 20 minutes. Pour pasta sauce over chicken, then top with cheese. Bake an additional 10 minutes. Serve with Pasta!
Awesome 3 minute Chocolate Cake for 1 recipe!
Next time you are home with some peace and quiet mix up this tasty treat!!
4 TBSP Flour
4 TBSP Cocoa
1 Egg
3 TBSP Milk
3 TBSP Oil
Chocolate Chips
Dash of Vanilla
Mix dry ingredients in a large microwave safe mug. Add egg, mix, add milk and oil, and mix well. Add Chocolate chips and vanilla and mix again. Place in microwave for 3 minutes. This is great with drizzles of raspberry jam. You can also mix it up with Peanut Butter chips, butterscotch chips or anything else you would like to add!!
4 TBSP Flour
4 TBSP Cocoa
1 Egg
3 TBSP Milk
3 TBSP Oil
Chocolate Chips
Dash of Vanilla
Mix dry ingredients in a large microwave safe mug. Add egg, mix, add milk and oil, and mix well. Add Chocolate chips and vanilla and mix again. Place in microwave for 3 minutes. This is great with drizzles of raspberry jam. You can also mix it up with Peanut Butter chips, butterscotch chips or anything else you would like to add!!
Inspirational words to live by.
Living in the moment means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. It means living your life consciously, aware that each moment you breathe is a gift.
-- Oprah Winfrey
-- Oprah Winfrey
Today in History-
January 7th 1789 the first National Presidential Election was held in the United States! Happy Anniversary United States Election!!
Valentines roses for kids to make!

Take various colors of tissue paper and cut into 2 in strips. Have kids roll the tissue up loosely and then pinch at the bottom to make a rose. Attach a green pipe cleaner for a stem with masking tape or a green tape. Make as many as the kids would like and then tie together with another piece of tissue. What a fun and easy craft for kids! Great for all that left over red and white tissue paper from Christmas!!
Local Store
Check out this new local store in Wells River VT! Creativity Unleashed is a store full of Artisan products! The variety is endless! They have everything from jewelry to handmade lotions. So many local products! They have a Facebook page, Check it out!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Valentines Cards made by Kids
Instead of buying those boxed cards at the store, buy cardstock or construction paper. Cut into quarters then fold each quarter in half to make small cards. Let your child use valentine’s stickers, glitter, and markers to create their cards this year. For the older kids let them use pinking shears to make fancy edges or add paper doilies for effect! Let their creative juices flow!
What’s for dinner tonight?
Farmers Casserole
Tater Tots- or any frozen potato product
¾ cup American & Cheddar cut small or shredded
1 cup diced ham, sausage, or bacon
¼ cup onion
4 eggs beaten
1½ cups milk
Salt and pepper
Put potato in bottom of deep 9” pie plate or square baking dish. Top with meat, onion, and cheese. Combine milk, egg, salt and pepper. Pour egg mixture into the pie plate. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
My family loves this for dinner! I usually make this at the beginning of the week to use up that breakfast meat left over from large weekend breakfasts! I serve either muffins, coffee cake, or a sweet bread along with this!
Tater Tots- or any frozen potato product
¾ cup American & Cheddar cut small or shredded
1 cup diced ham, sausage, or bacon
¼ cup onion
4 eggs beaten
1½ cups milk
Salt and pepper
Put potato in bottom of deep 9” pie plate or square baking dish. Top with meat, onion, and cheese. Combine milk, egg, salt and pepper. Pour egg mixture into the pie plate. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
My family loves this for dinner! I usually make this at the beginning of the week to use up that breakfast meat left over from large weekend breakfasts! I serve either muffins, coffee cake, or a sweet bread along with this!
Weight loss battle!
Okay, day 2 of my weight loss attempt and I’m down 1 pound! Just goes to show you how much unnecessary crap I eat in a day! I miss you yummy bagel and cream cheese, luscious chocolate and candy! But make no mistake, I will see you soon. I’m not abandoning you, just cutting back! By the way that’s the key to my plan, not depriving just limiting!
Valentines Gifts
This year for Valentines how about looking right in your local small area to find a Valentine’s gift for that loved one. You may find something unique and fun for that special someone! Going to the bigger stores ensures that most people get the same thing. How about visiting your small town confection store! And yes I am shamelessly plugging my mom’s store, Paddy Cakes and Candy in Lyndonville, VT. She ships chocolates out so give her a call! 802-626-4604
New sleds
Check out these new sleds!! My kids got these for Christmas and at first glance I couldn’t figure out how they would be able to use them. Once we got home they used them down our driveway and they go super fast! The trick is you need to have a packed trail to ride them on.. and truth be told your small kids should probably wear a helmet!
Spiffed up Banana Bread
Have just a couple of Bananas on the counter that need to be made into bread, but not enough for a full batch? Just add about a cup of any type of canned fruit. I love to add fruit cocktail! Then just call it fruit bread. It’s so good and moist!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
What’s for dinner tonight?
Here’s an easy recipe for dinner called weeknight Lasagna
1 lb ground beef
2 green peppers chopped
3 cloves of garlic minced
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 2/3 cup water
¼ cup Italian dressing
12 oven ready lasagna noodles broken into quarters
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Brown the meat in a large saucepan, drain. Stir in peppers, garlic, sauce, water, and dressing, bring to a boil. Add noodles, stir. Cover. Cook for 10 – 15 min stirring occasionally. Sprinkle with cheese. Cover and remove from heat.
1 lb ground beef
2 green peppers chopped
3 cloves of garlic minced
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 2/3 cup water
¼ cup Italian dressing
12 oven ready lasagna noodles broken into quarters
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Brown the meat in a large saucepan, drain. Stir in peppers, garlic, sauce, water, and dressing, bring to a boil. Add noodles, stir. Cover. Cook for 10 – 15 min stirring occasionally. Sprinkle with cheese. Cover and remove from heat.
Back to School
I’m not sure how everyone else felt about Christmas break this year, but for me I was excited to see the kids get back on that big yellow bus. My kids were sick with a stomach bug the last couple of days of school before break. So I had 3 weeks of all 3 children home together. I loved the days when my husband was home with us and we were all home together, but let’s face it I’m out numbered!
Valentines gifts
Sometimes a heartfelt note to your spouse is all you need to do. After all, this holiday is about recognizing the ones we love, not how much we spend on them. Some of the best holidays are spent just simply being together and sharing what you enjoy most, your family!
My 2 year old is having a terrible time with “#2” so I have been buying the Sunsweet Ones and telling her they are candy! Of course they look candy in their own packages! She gobbles them up and thinks they are great! Problem solved… now to keep her big sisters from busting up our secret!
Make your own Chocolates this year!
So easy to make your own truffles and these are super rich!
2 1/2 pkg Bakers semi sweet chocolate, divided
1 pkg cream cheese
melt 8 of the squares of chocolate. Beat cream cheese with mixer until creamy. Blend in melted chocolate. Refrigerate till firm.
Shape into small balls. Place on waxed paper covered baking sheet.
Melt remaining chocolate. Use a fork to dip truffles. Return to baking sheet then decorate with desired toppings.
2 1/2 pkg Bakers semi sweet chocolate, divided
1 pkg cream cheese
melt 8 of the squares of chocolate. Beat cream cheese with mixer until creamy. Blend in melted chocolate. Refrigerate till firm.
Shape into small balls. Place on waxed paper covered baking sheet.
Melt remaining chocolate. Use a fork to dip truffles. Return to baking sheet then decorate with desired toppings.
Attack Soap Scum
When your shower glass or tiles are dry wipe them down with a used dryer sheet to remove the soap scum without scrubbing!
Save money..
Keep a couple of dry towels next to your dryer. Throw these in with each load to absorb some of the water from clothes and help shorten the dryer cycle!
A great recipe for Valentines day! A sweet chocolate cookie with a treat hidden inside!
Buried Cherry Cookies
1 10 oz jar of maraschino cherries
½ cup butter softened
1 cup sugar
¼ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
1 Egg
1 ½ tsp vanilla
½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ½ cups flour
1 cup semisweet choc chips
½ cup sweetened condensed milk
1. Drain Cherries, reserving juice. Halve any large cherries. Beat butter with mixer for 30 sec. Add sugar, powder, soda, and ¼ tsp salt. Beat until combined. Beat in cocoa powder and flour.
2. Shape dough into 1 in balls. Place balls about 2 in apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. Press your thumb into the center of each ball. Place a cherry in each center.
3. For frosting, in a sm. Saucepan combine choc pieces and sweetened condensed milk. Cook and stir over low heat until choc melts. Stir in 4 tsp reserved cherry juice. Spoon 1 tsp of frosting over each cherry, spreading to cover.
4. Bake in a 350 degree oven about 10 minutes or until edges are firm. Cool on cookie sheet 1 min. Transfer to wire rack and let cool.
NOTE: Do not substitute imitation chocolate pieces for semisweet. And yes you read it right, frost then bake; the frosting does not run off of cookies!
1 10 oz jar of maraschino cherries
½ cup butter softened
1 cup sugar
¼ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
1 Egg
1 ½ tsp vanilla
½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ½ cups flour
1 cup semisweet choc chips
½ cup sweetened condensed milk
1. Drain Cherries, reserving juice. Halve any large cherries. Beat butter with mixer for 30 sec. Add sugar, powder, soda, and ¼ tsp salt. Beat until combined. Beat in cocoa powder and flour.
2. Shape dough into 1 in balls. Place balls about 2 in apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. Press your thumb into the center of each ball. Place a cherry in each center.
3. For frosting, in a sm. Saucepan combine choc pieces and sweetened condensed milk. Cook and stir over low heat until choc melts. Stir in 4 tsp reserved cherry juice. Spoon 1 tsp of frosting over each cherry, spreading to cover.
4. Bake in a 350 degree oven about 10 minutes or until edges are firm. Cool on cookie sheet 1 min. Transfer to wire rack and let cool.
NOTE: Do not substitute imitation chocolate pieces for semisweet. And yes you read it right, frost then bake; the frosting does not run off of cookies!
On the band wagon
So i am on the loosing a few pounds band wagon for my resolution.. I'm trying to keep my goal reasonable maybe 5-10 lbs. Anyone have any suggestions for "treats" that i can try. I am a major sweet tooth!! Please share with everyone!
Welcome to my blog. As a stay at home mom of 3 girls ages 7 to 2, a part time student, and a wife being organized and ready for whatever life throws me is important! In my blog i will share some great fast family recipes as well as some of the funny things kids do, and the things i've learned over the years. Follow my blog for some neat crafts and tricks. Comment on my posts and share anything you would like to share with anybody else cruising the blog! Thanks for visiting!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Graham Cracker Houses

Heres a cute project thats easy to do and so fun for the kids. Best news is you can make it for any holiday just change the candy theme to fit the holiday! Buy your favorite graham crackers and make a basic icing such as 1 lb powder sugar, 6TBL butter, 1 tsp vanilla, 3-4 TBL milk. The butter is key to help hold it together fast! Each house can be altered for size and cut one half of a graham cracker in half again on the angle to fill the gaps at the peak! I made these ahead while my kids were at school and when they got home they were hardened and ready to decorate!
Trying to keep that Resolution?
Keep your resolution to loose weight! The next time you reach for a snack try out a chocolate rice cake with Peanut butter on it, or some oreo thins with a slice of banana between, or take a chocolate graham cracker, split in two and put cool whip between the crackers, freeze for a lowfat frozen treat!! I have given these suggestions to numerous friends and they have loved them! You can too!
Sick of playing in the snow MOM?
A child recently came out with this gem... "Mom, can we go outside and play with snowman balls?" So moms now go out and enjoy the snow! Love that one!
Easy Pie Crust
Want to make a pie crust thats easy and comes out flakey every time? Heres your recipe...
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 12 Minutes
Makes 2 Double Crusts
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/3 cups Shortning
6 TBLS Flour
2 tsp salt
1/2 cup cold water
1. In a large bowl, cut the first 2 ingredients into each other until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
2. In a small bowl, combine the remaining ingredients to make a paste. Mix paste into the flour and shortning mixture.
3. Divide dough into 4 equal pieces and shape into rounds. Wrap securely in plastic and refrigerate or use immediatly.
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 12 Minutes
Makes 2 Double Crusts
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/3 cups Shortning
6 TBLS Flour
2 tsp salt
1/2 cup cold water
1. In a large bowl, cut the first 2 ingredients into each other until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
2. In a small bowl, combine the remaining ingredients to make a paste. Mix paste into the flour and shortning mixture.
3. Divide dough into 4 equal pieces and shape into rounds. Wrap securely in plastic and refrigerate or use immediatly.
Strange rash!!
My 2 year old daughter started a rash shortly after potty training and moving into her own cute little underwear! I was baffled, afterall arnt underwear supposed to be gentler than diapers? I called my doctors office and the nurse and i brainstormed and decided to try a lotion called Aquaphore. We did this for a week and it started to get better and then surprise, one morning her rash was red and itchy all over her bottom. Puzzled, i called the doctors once again and got a prescription antibiotic cream. Again, her rash seemed better at first and then after about a week it flared yet again and seemed to get bigger. So instead of just calling we made the dreaded trip into the doctors office ( dreaded due to the winter sickness season). Instantly the doctor identified Eczema. Now at 2 years old she had never had this before on any part of her body. Suddenly I am purchasing all the "free" products to keep perfumes away from her sesitive behind! Lesson learned!
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